
(PKR Primavera Brio x Longstreet Serenata)
2004 bay mare, 14.3 H
100% Foundation

Carmen, aka Nancy Reagan, was born on the day President Reagan was buried. An elegant, little lady with a quiet grace, very fitting that she has this nickname. Nancy is hands down, the nicest, friendliest horse I have ever met. She is always first at the gate to meet and greet and very curious about people and new things. When visitors are here at the farm, everyone gravitates to her soft eyes and attentive ears. She is everything a Morgan mare should be and a testament to her breeding. Nancy is soft in the bridle and very responsive. A real pleasure to ride.

Gab Creek Carmen PKR Primavera Brio Primavera Valdez Primavera Vaquero
Tia Margarita
Rose Hill Lapapillon Dee-Cee Traveler
HD-L Waltz of Angels
Longstreet Serenata Green Bay Ragtime Whippoorwill Signet
Whippoorwill Maia
Whippoorwill Aemilia Bald Mt Black Cloud
Whippoorwill Juliet
Nancy's complete pedigree, which includes pictures of many of her ancestors, can be seen here.

More pictures of Nancy
(click on any thumbnail to enlarge)

(PKR Primavera Brio x Althea Moro)
2005 palomino gelding, 14.3 H
100% Foundation

Tilla (pronounced Ti-Ya) is a gorgeous golden palomino. What sets Tilla apart is the floating trot that comes down from his dam having multiple Criterion crosses on her pedigree and close up Jubilee King breeding. He is the golden cross of Primavera x Lambert. His temperament is as golden as his color! He is rock solid, doesn't spook at anything that's put in front of him. Motilla has recently returned to Flyhawk after several months reining training with Mark Wilcher of Double Diamond Ranch in Louisiana.

Gab Creek Carmen PKR Primavera Brio Primavera Valdez Primavera Vaquero
Tia Margarita
Rose Hill Lapapillon Dee-Cee Traveler
HD-L Waltz of Angels
Althea Moro Cameron of Quietude Criterion
Super-Rey Movita
Misty Morning Dew Westridge Ashley Moro
Jasmine of Quietude
Tilla's complete pedigree, which includes pictures of many of his ancestors, can be seen here.

More pictures of Tilla
(click on any thumbnail to enlarge)

(Funquest Erick X Gab Creek Gay Mashanta)
2004 chestnut gelding, 14.2 H
100% Foundation

Traveler is our PrimaFun horse! When you swing a leg over Traveler, you better be ready to go. He is the ultimate reining horse. Always ready to lope circles, spin, slide to a stop or anything else that you ask of him. While trail riding in the Chattahoochee National Forest, the Funquest Erick traits come through as he will tuck his front feet and sail over fallen logs with ease. He possesses great athleticism from both the Primavera and Funquest lines he carries. He is Mr. Personality plus and loves to ham it up for an audience!

Gab Creek Traveler Funquest Erick Funquest Monarch Funquest Talstar
Flyhawk's Fancy
Funquest Estrella Funquest Falcon
Gab Creek Gay Mashanta Primavera Valdez Primavera Vaquero
Tia Margarita
Rose Hill Lapapillon Dee-Cee Traveler
HD-L Waltz of Angels
Traveler's complete pedigree, which includes pictures of many of his ancestors, can be seen here.

More pictures of Traveler
(click on any thumbnail to enlarge)

From the postward of the book "Justin Morgan, Founder of his Race" by Eleanor Waring Burnham comes some information about her father's Morgans, who were actually the first known Morgan horses in the state of Georgia, circa 1857. Our farm is not too far from the site of Mr. Waring's  Annandale Stock Farm.

The stable of the late George Houston Waring, of Savannah, at Annandale Stock Farm, where the first Georgia Morgans were raised, consisted of four Morgans brought from Vermont and New Hampshire. They were Enterprise, No. 423, chestnut with flaxen mane and tail; Paragon Black Hawk, the handsomest horse I ever saw, black with white star, very showy in tandem; Clive, beyond compare in Morgan perfection, for whom, at four years of age Mr. Waring refused $4,000; Bay Comet, perfect in form and disposition, dark with black points. There were fifty mares, nearly all Morgans. The finest of these was Rosalie Morgan, from Vermont. She was exhibited many years at the Georgia State Fairs, and at each would take the prizes for the best brood mare, best mare with colt at her side, and best trotting mare. When she appeared in these three classes no other mare stood any chance. Finally she was ruled out. She had nineteen colts, two of which I know sold for $600 each. Rosalie died at thirty-two years of age. I bought from Mr. Waring a Bay Comet colt, daughter of Amanda Morgan, and named her Jeannie Dean. Jeannie was like a member of my family for thirty-one years. She was the perfect type in character and form. Frank, a grandson of Enterprise, one of the later and best known Morgans was owned and trotted by William Henry Stiles, in 2:18 1/4; he inherited all the fine traits of "Old Justin Morgan." Annandale had a half-mile track, and every equipment for the care and comfort of this transplanted race. The farm was situated in Habersham Co., in a luxuriant rolling valley of the beautiful mountainous section of Northeast Georgia; a section almost exclusively occupied by the summer estates of the wealthy rice and cotton planters of the Low Country. -J. W. Bryan. Dillon, Georgia, September, 1911. 

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